Dr. Carlos L. Bassani receives Best Poster Award at International Conference on Gas Hydrates

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July 21, 2023 – Dr. Carlos L. Bassani received the Best Poster Award at the International Conference on Gas Hydrates – ICGH10 (https://icgh10.com/) held in Singapore from 9 to 14 of July, 2023, for the work entitled “A New Approach for Gas Hydrate Slurry Flow based on a Multiscale Model for Multiphase Flow”, in collaboration with Colorado School of Mines/USA, Mines Saint-Etienne/France, and UTFPR/Brazil. In the photo, Prof. Dr. Praveen Linga (left), chair of the conference, gives the award to Carlos (right). ICGH is the most important conference in the field of gas clathrate hydrates worldwide and occurs in cycles of 3 years. The last conference was unfortunately cancelled due to the pandemics, and this was the first conference in 6 years. Carlos acknowledges the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the sponsorship of his postdoctoral fellowship, and the Emerging Talents Initiative of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg that allowed the participation in the conference.